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Version: v2.0

Memcached Datasource

The Godspeed mem-cache plugin provides caching interfaces, allowing developers to seamlessly use in-memory cache within the Godspeed framework.

How to add mem-cache plugin in your project

- Create a godspeed project from the CLI and add the mem-cache plugin from the CLI and select the @godspeedsystems/plugins-mem-cache-as-datasource to integrate the plugin.

macbookpro@MacbookPros-MBP gs-test-project % godspeed plugin add   

,_, ╔════════════════════════════════════╗
(o,o) ║ Welcome to Godspeed ║
({___}) ║ World's First Meta Framework ║
" " ╚════════════════════════════════════╝

? Please select godspeed plugin to install: (Press <space> to select, <Up and Down> to move rows)
│ │ Name │ Description │
│ ◯ │ kafka-as-datasource-as-eventsource│ kafka as datasource-as-eventsource plugin for Godspeed Framework│
│ ◯ │ cron-as-eventsource │ Cron as eventsource plugin for Godspeed Framework │
│ ❯◯ │ mem-cache-as-datasource │ mem-cache as datasource plugin for Godspeed Framework │
│ ◯ │ elasticgraph-as-datasource │ elasticgraph as datasource plugin for Godspeed Framework │
│ ◯ │ axios-as-datasource │ Axios as datasource plugin for Godspeed Framework │

- You will find the files in your project related to the plugin at src/datasources/types/mem-cache.ts and src/datasources/mem-cache.yaml.

type: mem-cache

Sample usage

Create two events and two function handlers for each event by the name helloworld2 and helloworld3 respectively.

# Events
fn: helloworld2
fn: helloworld3

# Functions (Helloworld2 workflow)
id: helloworld2_workflow
- id: helloworld2_workflow_first_task

name: helloworld2
key: xyz
# datasource: memcache #This field should be definitely set if config/default.caching is not set. Else is optional
# noRead: true #if this is set get(key) method will not be called for this task
# noWrite: true #the result of this task will not be written, even if cache_on_failure is set to true. i.e. set() method will not be called

# Functions (Helloworld3 workflow)
id: helloworld3_workflow
- id: helloworld3_workflow_first_task
key: abc
invalidate: xyz #helloworld2 key
# noRead: true #if this is set get(key) method will not be called for this task
# noWrite: true #the result of this task will not be written, even if cache_on_failure is set to true. i.e. set() method will not be called
datasource: mem-cache #This field should be definitely set if config/default.caching is not set. Else is optional
name: helloworld3

Plugin Components

The plugin consists of the following key components:

1. DataSource Class

  • This class extends GSCachingDatasource, a base class provided by the Godspeed framework for creating data sources.

  • It initializes a client which provides an object to use as in-memory cache.

  • The set method is used to set the key and value of the cache.

  • The get method is used to get value from the cache.

  • The del method is used to delete value from the cache.

2. Constants

  • SourceType: A constant representing the source type of the plugin, which is 'DS' (data source).

  • Type: A constant representing the loader file of the plugin. The final loader file will be located in the 'types' directory and named ${Type.js}, where Type is 'mem-cache' in this case.

  • CONFIG_FILE_NAME: In the context of a data source, this constant also serves as the data source name. In this plugin, it is set to 'mem-cache'.


The Godspeed mem-cache Plugin is a valuable addition to the Godspeed framework, providing a standardized way to use in-memory cache.

We value your feedback and contributions. If you have any questions, suggestions, or encounter issues while using the plugin, please reach out to us. Your insights and ideas help us enhance and improve this plugin for the entire Godspeed community.

We're excited to see how you leverage the Godspeed mem-cache Plugin in your projects and look forward to collaborating with you to make your applications even more powerful. Happy coding!

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